Fix Prestashop Backoffice "Stay logged in" and "Forgot password" not clickable
After last update of Google Chrome, a bug has occurred in Prestashop backoffice Login Section.
More exactly, "Stay logged in" checkbox and "Forgot password" link they are no longer clickable, just like in the picture below
Most likely this will be solved in the next PrestaShop update, what can be done until then?
Can this problem be solved?
Yes, very easy, with a simple CSS rule:
form#login_form { position: relative; }
Where do I add this CSS rule?
Normally, you should NOT edit any other exisiting back-office CSS file manually: they are generated by the Sass preprocessor. However, it is a file, which is not affected by this, and in which you can put that CSS rule.
You can find the file in:
After you do this, everything will return to normal.
What happens if I can't find the overrides.css file?
You can use Load CSS and JS Files on Different Pages Free Module, which uploads css files to various pages of your store, including a CSS for your site admin.
How to configure the module?
You will need to switch the module to Live mode, and enable the loading of the CSS file for admin, and add the css rule to the file: